Black & White World

Clement Ong


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My DeviantArt

Layout: vehemency
Edited by: yours truly

Thursday, November 26, 2009 [1:32 AM]

Journey of an Absolute Rookie: Paintings and Sketches
-By MindCandyMan

From 2002 to 2009.. 7 years of constant practice and hardwork.. It puts me to shame! LOL.

A depiction of how pros are actually hardworking noobs.

Such an infectious enthusiasm! I'll catch on the fire too!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009 [11:41 PM]

Knowledge is power, Practice is taking that power for your own.

Monday, November 16, 2009 [12:45 AM]

Sketching really opens doors man.

Feel so released after being so busy and feeling very messed up at figure drawing.

I should do more of these.. =D

Extra: Some weird silly stand that I hastily made for class presentation a few weeks ago. LOL

Sunday, November 15, 2009 [5:52 AM]
The Body

Reminder to myself.. Practice anatomy!! =D

[5:51 AM]
Knowledge is Power

so many things i want to read, but there's so little time.

I want more time to practice my drawing too!

FYP is taking too much out of my time! >.<

Thursday, November 12, 2009 [2:44 AM]
Learn to love

Trying to appreciate the process of making 3D @.@

I'm still finding it a bit of a stretch sometimes. Maybe due to my inexperience?

Have to work harder!!!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009 [12:24 AM]
I want art books!

Should really head down to kinokuniya one day...

fyp and school taking up 90% of my time~

- Human anatomy book for artists
- EXPOSÉ or Exotique art book
- Any of the d'artiste series (if not, ALL~)
- Imagine FX magazinesss

God, I need money. =/

Sunday, November 1, 2009 [4:10 AM]
I drew something!

Suppose to be some guy who can summon out 6 "mana-made" arms.. but it's an EPIC failure!!! Look so cheesy man!

Random face~~ =D

Monday, August 17, 2009 [7:11 PM]

I remember saying that I would post up the render of my castle some time ago.. but since my laptop was such a failure, it hung on me every time I tried opening up the file =/

Fortunately I had the chance to go through my old files in class today, so I the chance to render out 3 pictures of my castle(finally!) ^^

I stupidly proudly present~ My Magi's Fortress! XD

Sunday, August 16, 2009 [2:59 AM]
Random Anatomy 1

Inspired by kse332 from deviantart, thus tried out drawing life-like anatomies ^^

Here's a male one...

Will do a female one tomorrow if I have the mood ^^

Saturday, August 15, 2009 [4:44 PM]
FYP Stuffs

Hmm... Thought that I upload my FYP character designs for viewing lol~~

Click on them for better quality ^^

Monday, June 29, 2009 [1:19 AM]

Moved to private blog

Monday, June 22, 2009 [12:30 AM]
Yesterday and Today

Went to the Starbucks nearby the Merlion yesterday to find Shenal for his Maya 2009 program.

I think they were having a National Day Parade practice or something. There were several helicopters hovering across the river that noon.. All the water droplets keep flying to my face when I was heading to Starbucks. =o= Sadly I forgot to capture the image then T.T

At night there was the fireworks. Only managed capture a few good shots, the fireworks dispersed too quickly for my cybershot cam D=

Baby baked a cake yesterday~~ ^^

She left the side with the heart for me ^o^ the rest was eaten by her parents XD
It taste pretty good for her first try! Somemore with limited baking materials! So proud of her!!! XD

But since I ate it before karate today... it was vaporized by sensei when he wanted to train my core by giving me straight kicks into my stomach.. D=

Saturday, June 6, 2009 [4:01 AM]
Oh Sexy Body

NYAHAHAHA!!!! I've finally got over my artist block and start working on my fyp project's characters.

Finished with the main character and the anatagonist's design. (The anatagonist is still naked though LOL.) Now left with the coloring ^^

Pretty happy with the anatagonist's outcome.. cause it's really the first time that I seriously tried drawing a female figure without reference.. in my opinion, she looks kindda cute. LOL

Well.. being the pervert... I mean, the lazy man that I am.. I left her naked for now cause I'm too lazy to draw her outfit at 4am.

Hmm.. honestly, I wished that I can upload it now, but er, I guess I'll only do that when I've finish coloring ^^
So if you're curious... you can check back in a week or so =P i think I would do the color of all the characters at once. XD

Alrights, I shall go down for a breather(at 4am XD). Ciao~

Sunday, May 31, 2009 [10:51 PM]
Cruising with the Bruising

Today... damn suay.

Before Karate I play a short badminton match. The game concluded with me getting my right eye smashed by my fren.
There was a small blood clot... baby tell me better see doc tomorrow. D= haiz, so suay.

Then after that, during sparring, I got the head of my penis kicked... The pain was... beyond explanation... it's Holy Shit.

Not to mention that, the kids left a lot of scratch marks on my neck when I was teaching them some application moves...


Wednesday, May 27, 2009 [2:20 AM]
Random Shit TWO

Another crazy crap that I did just now, while waiting for my supper to arrive XD

This is such an Over-kill:

3 words for that lil fella; Rest In Peace.

Poor cockroach/beetle/watever-insect-it-may-be, wouldn't even realize what hit it. XD

But ar.. It has to be the most blur cockroach you will ever see on earth, I believe. X3

[1:00 AM]
"Save Me" Update

Gah~ I can't render my castle out in my computer. Hangs everytime I try to get the graphic out D=

Will have to do it when I go to 3D class this friday >o<

Damn~ I so wanted to post it today =/

Monday, May 25, 2009 [3:12 AM]
Save Me


Been doing the stupid 3D castle till now. Sigh, somemore not done yet, maybe around 50% ba.

I'm so slow D=

Will post up here when I'm done.

Which will be tomorrow

Monday, May 18, 2009 [4:49 AM]

Did a 3D video on Maya earlier today. Sorry that I can't share cause I'm too lazy to upload on youtube =P

Had to go for the uncompressed frames due to some technical problems.. fucking 30 sec vid in the end turned out to be 220mb, my pir... I mean original copies of video also not that big la!

Actually wanna draw something now de.. but knowing myself, confirm cannot get to sleep if I do that. Gonna head to bed after this..

Sheez, I need to read up a bunch of Maya tutorials

If not, Kenneth suan me again. Na bei..

I forgot that I still have that 20gb++ of illustration tutorials.. God, give me 48 hours a day.. T.T

Sunday, May 17, 2009 [5:21 AM]
Random Shit

Wanted to do some 10 min random shit before I head to bed.

Here's my random shit.

I do not know what the hell is he trying to do myself, so just make a guess eh?
Perhaps he's like, "HEY KID DON'T TOUCH MY PORN STASH!!" or something like that XD wahahaha

Saturday, May 16, 2009 [1:26 AM]
Down and Under

Aah.. feel so down today.

Today Kenneth said that my 3D schoolwork isn't up to standard, and I should know it very well myself. (and threw in some scornful remarks at me, with which he hopes to inspire me by agitating my ego. Why does every elder around likes to do that to me?!)

But I totally agree.

I think this week's grade would be shitty as well. *sigh*

Let's turn the focus away from the grades.. hey, I am only able to churn out such shitty stuff when I'm already in 3rd year? I'm seriously fucked.

I haven't done enough self-exploration on maya myself, as also said by Kenneth. True, but I am so lost on where to start!

After thinking about this question.. I think I can go youtube and track those tutorials that Kenneth always throw at us, and just do accordingly.. after which.. maybe create my own lil video perhaps? =/

Truthfully speaking, I know how my time is spent and I'm kindda regretful over it.. Causing many stuffs to be undone.. and projects not being carried out.

Damn~ Play time should be over right now.

School, Karate, FYP, Guitar IG, Maya and Illustration practices, getting enough rest.. and most importantly, spending meaningful time with my baby.. all these needs a lot of time. I needa squeeze 'em all in.. not mention occasional extra stuffs that pop out to take some slots of my schedule

Holy mama.. I have some shitty time management skills.

I think it's time to cut off the nonsenses, and start getting a grip.


Friday, May 15, 2009 [2:15 AM]
Where Arth Thou?

Oh new laptop, new laptop~ where arth thou, new laptop?~

I'm currently using a 6 yrs-going-7 yrs old acer antique given by my cousin after my previous laptop was stolen. D=


I'm eyeing this fujitsu laptop that can be bought at special price XD

Tuesday, May 12, 2009 [5:18 PM]
Unholy Combination

Haven't been to school for 2 days already..

Had flu yesterday and before it recovers completely, diarrhea hit me today =/
I feel like jelly man now. *does the jelly dance*

Maybe I should really see the doctor. T.T

I hate being sick

Monday, May 11, 2009 [6:57 AM]

It's 7am now.. and no, I didn't wake up early.

I didn't sleep at all

Nope, I'm not playing games.. I'm doing my 3D homework(supposedly to be schoolwork) since 10pm last night.

Fuck RP. Seriously screw them upside down.

Who the hell would assign their students to do things and ask them to figure it out themselves? Aren't I paying all you fuckers the school fees???

Sigh, anyway.. I had to figure things out myself since my classmates ain around.. thus explaining the long hours I worked.. Nevertheless it was good experience anyway. =P

And since I've been working on this all night long, I wouldn't want to waste it in the graveyard of my teacher's dumpster.. so I'm gonna paste 2 beauty shots of my 3D modern style dining room here.

Ze Dining Room:

It's hardwork @.@ but I'm proud of myself! XD
Okay.. gonna hit the sack now. Shit man.. I need some herbal tea pronto.

Sunday, May 10, 2009 [2:32 AM]
Going Clay-zee

Just finished helping bibi with her clay mousse cake/spoon/plate/strawberry/bells..
Legs kept cramping in the process whilst on the floor.. until I finally came to my senses that working on a crampy table might not be that bad an idea.

Here's the stuffs:
Ze Plate

okay okay, I know it doesn't look like a plate, but it's one heck of a task to make it LOOK like a plate. Furthermore, baby's teacher said she would prefer this kind as it looks more real rather than like a factory produced piece =P

Ze Mousse Cake/Strawberry/Spoon/Bells

Clay isn't that easy to do man... it has a very.. weird characteristic. Pretty fun though XD better than those lame ass plasticines that Republic Poly gives us for Animation modules. Zzzzz

Anyway, all these should dry quite a bit tomorrow.. and it shall be the moment of truth; see whether it cracks or not.

Saturday, May 9, 2009 [3:18 AM]
Late at Night... Again

Was muddling around with Photoshop just now and came up with my new blog display pic.

In case you are wondering what is that, well... I sort of took the liberty of making a lion avatar for myself since lil lion is my pet name (given by my princess, don't ask me how). So... that's me in.. lion form. I guess.

Don't know why, but I seem to have the habit to draw cute stuff whenever I'm bored.

Friday, May 8, 2009 [5:43 AM]
What time is it?

5.44am on a friday, I'm still not asleep.

Seriously turning nocturnal.

There's 3D animation module later on... omg... my character design isn't very ideal as well, later how am I going to show it D=

Aiya fuck care, see how it goes ba. I go sleep now better...

[1:56 AM]
3 R's: Renew, Revive and Rot

Okay~~ I'm back to blogging!~

This blog will be used mostly for my artworks~ (to motivate myself to draw la. XD)
For ranting~
For my lil thoughts and ideas that pops out randomly~
And it's a good avenue for me to post pictures taken from my sony ericsson cybershot =X (Since I bought it, might as well use as much as I can right? =X)

AND.. I will try not to let it rot and die off again.. XD

But err, this blog might be boring or interesting, depends on how u see it.
I believe I would just post blogposts with only 1~3 sentences when I do post. XD

Anyways, if you so happen to drop in and want to read about my thoughts, rants and ideas, well.. have fun and thanks for coming~! ^^

PS: If you used to link me at your blogpost, please note that I'm using a new blog URL =)